The perfect-sized soft slices of rich goat meat with a firm, glossy texture and a stunning gamey fla..
Net wt: 500 g
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Expertly carved, this biryani plate is perfect for Awadhi, Parsi, Hyderabadi, and any other biryani ..
Net wt: 500 g
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Delivering in 120 mins
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Delivering in 120 mins
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Delivering in 120 mins
Beef is a tasty and nutritious cuisine, and steaks are a popular choice among most people. Choose My..
Net wt: 500 g
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Instant Beef Pepper Roast includes Beef(500gm), Onion(50gm), Tomato, Chilly, Ginger, Galic, Le..
Net wt: 650 g
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Instant Beef Chilly includes Beef(500gm), Onion, Capsicum, Ginger, Garlic, Chilly, Coriander Leaves ..
Net wt: 650 g
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Instant Beef Chukka includes Beef(500gm), Onion(150gm), Ginger, Garlic, Chilly, Curry Leaves(100gm)&..
Net wt: 750 g
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Instant Beef Curry With Potato Kit includes Beef(500gm), Potato(50gm), Onion, Shallot, Ginger, Garli..
Net wt: 750 g
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Instant Beef Kuruma includes Beef(500gm), Grated Coconut(100gm), Onion, Shallot, Chilly, Tomato, Gin..
Net wt: 750 g
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Instant Beef Mappas includes Beef(500gm), Grated Coconut(200gm), Onion, Ginger, Garlic, Chilly, Toma..
Net wt: 800 g
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Instant Beef Stew includes Beef(500gm), Carrot, Potato(100gm), Grated Coconut(150gm), Onion, Ginger,..
Net wt: 850 g
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Instant Beef Ularthiyathu includes Beef(500gm), Onion, Ginger, Garlic, Chilly, Shallot, Curry Leaves..
Net wt: 650 g
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Instant Beef Varattiyath includes Beef(500gm), Onion(150gm), Ginger, Garlic, Chilly, Tomato, curry L..
Net wt: 750 g
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Delivering in 120 mins
Instant Beef Vindaloo Kit includes Beef(500gm), onion(150gm), ginger, garlic, chilly, curry Leaves(1..
Net wt: 750 g