The perfect-sized soft slices of rich goat meat with a firm, glossy texture and a stunning gamey fla..
Net wt: 500 g
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Expertly carved, this biryani plate is perfect for Awadhi, Parsi, Hyderabadi, and any other biryani ..
Net wt: 500 g
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Mutton Brain – a delectable and nutritious addition to your culinary ventures! Our mutton brain is s..
Net wt: 100 g
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Malabar Special Mutton Curry includes Mutton(500gm), Grated Coconut(100gm), Onion, Shallot, Chilly, ..
Net wt: 750 g
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Instant Mutton Mappas includes Mutton(500gm), Grated Coconut(150gm), Potato, Carrot(50gm), Tomato, S..
Net wt: 800 g
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Instant Mutton Roast includes Mutton(500gm), Onion, Shallot, Ginger, Garlic, Chilly, Coriander Leave..
Net wt: 650 g
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Instant Mutton Stew includes Mutton(500gm), Grated Coconut(150gm), Potato, Carrot(50gm), Onion, Chil..
Net wt: 850 g
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Instant Mutton Varattiyath includes Mutton(500gm), Onion(150gm), Ginger ,Garlic ,Chilly ,Tomat..
Net wt: 750 g