10 items best for 4-5 personsഈ ഓണം അടുക്കളയിൽ അല്ല , വീട്ടുകാരോടൊപ്പം !!ഓണസദ്യക്ക് ആവശ്യമായ കറികളുടെ..
Net wt: 4 kg
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Cucumbers—big on nutrients, but low in calories—are made up of roughly 96% water, and provide our bo..
Net wt: 250 g
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It helps improve bowel movement and prevents constipation. A cup of chopped beet when added by way o..
Net wt: 250 g
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Cabbage is loaded with vitamins and minerals . Even though cabbage is very low in calories, it has a..
Net wt: 250 g
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It is crunchy, tasty, and highly nutritious. Carrots are a particularly good source of beta carotene..
Net wt: 250 g
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Cowpea or black-eyed pea (Phaseolus Aureus) is a certain type of bean, which have a little oval stru..
Net wt: 250 g
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Ginger is a common natural treatment for stomach issues, such as bloating and indigestion. Studies d..
Net wt: 100 g
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Onions are one of those items that's simple to include into a dish and always adds a lot of flavour...
Net wt: 250 g
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koorka can add a significant amount of time to the cooking process. This time can be saved with the ..
Net wt: 250 g
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Several studies show that garlic may help decrease inflammation and boost immune function, whi..
Net wt: 100 g
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Baby onions are so charming in different dishes. Yet, peeling them is a pain in the neck/fanny. Howe..
Net wt: 100 g